Click on the condition to reveal the recommended treatment and follow the link to the page to find out more about that treatment.

From 18 years of age the skin loses collagen and elastin levels by 1% year on year. Your skin becomes thinner, looses fat and no longer looks as plump and smooth. The main areas are face, neck, décolletage and hands. To stop your skin from aging you need to start preventing this from a young age. Wear broad spectrum SPF daily, stop sleeping in your make up, have a consist skin care routine, and include retinol in your routine from your 20’s.

Other things that contribute to aging skin is smoking, not sleeping enough, not drinking enough water or eating healthy plus many more.

If you are past the prevention stage, but want to reduce the appears of aging skin, below are the recommended treatments which we can help you reverse and prevent.

Recommended treatments:

Age spots are small, flat dark areas of pigmentation on the skin. Age spots are caused by UV damage. If you are someone who is exposed to sunlight, sunbeds or tanning lamps you are at a higher risk of developing age spots. This is why it is extremely important to be wearing minimum SPF 50 at all times. Once an age spot is developed it can not fade on its own, this is the reason why people seek medical professionals advice.

Seeking medical professionals advise before treatment is super important due to some age spots potentially being harmful. If you unsure these are some of the signs to look out for:

Asymmetry – Asymmetrical shape

Border – Uneven or ragged borders

Colour – Uneven colour

Diameter – Larger than 6 mm

Evolution – Changes in size, shape, colour or elevation

Recommended treatments:

Maintaining the ideal shape and weight of the body can be hard for some. In some cases a person finds that despite eating a balanced diet and excising regularly their body holds on stubborn body fat. This is can be frustrating when you can’t see your end goals getting closer. Stubborn body fat, can affect many areas, including under the chin, upper arms, back, stomach, hips, buttocks, thighs and knees. No matter what you do sometimes this stubborn fat just won’t budge.

ReVibe HQ offer the latest technology which can help you with your stubborn fats. The Emerald Laser is a none invasive fat loss laser that shrinks the fat cell down whilst delivering photonic energy to the fat cell. By doing this it can also help improve your mood and sleep. Most importantly it can reduce fat in the areas you want to see results in.

Recommended treatments:

Are you showing signs of hair loss or thinning hair, this can occur through hormonal changes, medical conditions, the most common one is alopecia or a normal sign to ageing. Hair thinnning happens over time slowly, whereas hair lose can start to happen over night. Some people find it can start too come out in clumps.

Recommend treatments:

Concern’s with thinning lips can be due to genetics or can also be signs of ageing. As every part of your body does your lips also age, the skin on the mouth is thinner and more delicate than other areas of the face, making the lips more vulnerable to the development of wrinkles. The ideal appearance of a full lip is, smooth, dewy and plump. At ReVibe HQ we can use dermal filler to reduce the signs of ageing by enhancing the contouring and outline of your lips along with creating a more aesthetically pleasing shape and size.

Recommend treatment:

  • Dermal filler

The complexion of a young adult has smooth skin that is firm and full of volume and bounce. Getting older can often give way to a range of facial concerns that can be attributed to the loss of volume to the internal structure of the face and skin. Lines and wrinkles, flattened cheeks, sagging skin and jowls affect the youthful definition and contouring of the features, giving a tired look to the overall appearance.

Recommend Treatments:

Enlarged pores are caused by oils in your skin or also know as sebum. To prevent large pores you need to control the oil build up within your skin. Having a good skin care rotuine and using the correct ingredients to get the oils under control will help reduce the enlarge pores.

Recommend treatments:

Often TMJD is caused by the clenching or grinding of your teeth, this can put strain on the temporomandibular joint. The masseter muscles can become over-active and over-developed because of this. Botulinum toxin can be placed within the masters to reduce the strength in which they can pull your teeth together this reducing the forces applied to the teeth and also the strain on the jaw joint

Reccomened treatments:

Thread veins, these can also be known for spider naevi or red veins. Thread veins are burst blood vessels close to the surface of the skin and can emerge singularly or as part as a small cluster. These offend appear on the cheeks, nose, feet and ankles. Causes of thread veins can be stress to the skin.

Recommend treatments:

Acne is an inflammation of the skin that commonly appears as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples or spots. This condition will often affect the face, neck and back. Some suffer with this their whole life whereas other can have acne outburst through hormonal changes or even through pregnancy, menopause and sometimes as a reaction to aggravators such as chocolate or skin creams. Acne can also form through clogged pores.

Acne suffers find themself picking at their spots which will then cause them to scar over. There are two type of acne scaring – atrophic which is depressions in the skin or hypertrophic which is when the spot is raised from the surface of the skin.

Reccomened treatments:

Orange peel skin’, ‘cottage cheese skin’ and ‘the mattress effect’ are common terms used to describe the condition cellulite. The dimpled look of the skin’s surface is usually what determines an area affected by cellulite, which can include: thighs, hips, buttocks and stomach. Women tend to be affected by cellulite more than men and, despite common beliefs, can develop on bodies of all sizes.

Reccomened treatments:

Developing lines and wrinkles in the skin as we get older is a concern that almost everyone will experience to some degree. Often one of the more noticeable sets of creases are frown lines, that appear as small vertical lines between the eyebrows. Also known as ‘eleven lines’ or ‘glabella lines’, frown lines can often become deeper and more noticeable with time, giving the affected person an angry or stressed look which isn’t befitting of their true nature.

Recommend treatments:

Melasma is a common skin problem which is brown to gray-brown patches on the face. Signs of melasma will appear on cheeks, chin, nose bridge, forehand and above the upper lip. This is more common in women than male. The causes of melasma can be pregnancy, or can commonly occur in women who take oral contraceptives and hormones. It is also advised to keep the treatment area out of the sunlight as this can cause the area to worsen.

Recommend treatments:

Nose to mouth lines are very common. They can also be known for ‘smile lines’ This is due to them becoming more noticeable when we smile, the lines run from our outer corners of our mouth up to our nose. Nose to mouth lines can grow worse with age. Due to this you will find many people will seek medical professionals to reduce the look of these lines for them.

Recommend treatments:

Scars develop from a wound after an injury, when the damaged skin repairs its self back together. Most people find they have a scar which will often fade in time. However, some areas of the scar may still be pretty visible and more noticeable to some. Here at ReVibe HQ we have treatments which can help reduce the appearance of your scars.

Reccomened treatments:

Jawline concerns can start to affect you with age. Signs of this can be skin laxity, signs of volume lose and sagging skin. Having all of these concerns can contriburte togther and can give your lower face a rather heavy look. However there can e other conditions that affect the definition and contouring of the jawline this can be due to the individual’s genetics.

Reccomened treatments:

When some people smile their upper lip may significantly move upwards causing them to show more gum. This can have quite a significant on the psychosocial behaviour and can often cause them to not smile in photographs. By relaxing the muscles in a safe manner it allows the lip to be pulled up which can reduces the amount of gum on show.

Reccomened treatments:

Eye concerns is one of the first areas people start to struggle with, due to eye lines are the first sign of ageing. These concerns can start to show with fine lines around the outer corner of your eyes, droopy eyelids and dark under eyes. Conditions that develop on the face and are attributed to getting older are primarily the result of the way in which the skin and its underlying structure changes over time.

Recommend treatments:

Even after the acne has been treated, it can leave behind scars and uneven skin tone. ReVibe HQ has highly trained medical professionals with the best experience and training to be able to offer the best skincare solutions, leaving your skin glowing and flawless. We can treat acne scaring with a couple of treatment plans.

Recommended treatments:

Pigmentation is a common condition which make areas of the skin darker than others. This can also be known as melanin which is a natural pigment that gives our skin, hair, eye their colour. A number of factors can trigger an increase in melanin production. The main ones are sun exposure, hormonal influences, age, skin injuries and inflammation.

Recommend treatment: